Welcome to my little blog here called The Cat Gamer. Before I start writing any articles and stuff on the game industry though, I would just like to do a quick introduction about the blog.
So, who is the Cat Gamer? Well honestly, I couldn’t think up of a good site name for reviewing games while setting up this blog. So I kind of thought of using the words “Games” and “Cats” for the blog name since I like both a lot. And so, after more or less 30 minutes of brainstorming trying to figure out what the heck I should name my blog, I ended up with a really simple “cat-gamer” name T_T. Funny how I couldn’t think of such a simple name in the beginning. It could have been named better, but I guess I’m just not that good with coming up with original names.
Well anyway, you might have the assumption of a blog filled with stories and photos of a cat playing and reviewing games. That would be a pretty fun concept to do, and yes I might stick a pic or 2 of my cat in here looking at a psp or getting itself warm with a 360, but I’ll focus more on what’s important, and that would be game reviews and news about what’s going on in this big world we like to call the Gaming Industry.
Oh yeah, about the overall layout, I’m still working on the site’s look. Since this is my first time trying out a blog with blogspot, I’m still getting a feel with all the stuff you can do here and there. Hopefully, I’ll be able to come up with a decent design to the blog ASAP.
So sit back, sit tight and I’ll try my best to get you guys updated with all the latest gaming info I can get hold of.