Automation Anywhere License Agreement

The terms and conditions below (the “conditions”) are a binding agreement between you and Automation Anywhere, Inc. (“Automation Anywhere,” “we,” “we” or “unser”) regarding your use of the website or a sub-domain or other anywhere automation website (the “websites”), including all content (as defined in section 1 below) and user content (as defined in section 3 below). BY ACCESSING OR WITH THE SITES IN EACH MAN (WHETHER AUTOMATED OR OTHERWISE), YOU (A) ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU READ, UNDERSTAND AND IN THESE TERMS, AND (B) CONFIRM THAT YOU ARE OF THE LEAST 18 YEARS (OR HAVE THE AGE OF MAJORITY IN THE JURISSA IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THESE CONDITIONS, DO NOT USE THE WEBSITES. Intellectual Property: You acknowledge that Store, AAI Enterprise Software, all AAI websites and all intellectual property rights are and remain the exclusive property of AAI, without any rights to this intellectual property being granted to you under this agreement, with the exception of the limited licenses specified in this agreement. Important: This is a legal agreement (“agreement”) between you (the “customer”) and Automation Anywhere, Inc. (“AAI”). This agreement regulates the use of services by the customer (defined below). By downloading or using a bot, you accept all of these conditions (the “Bot License Contract”). If you do not accept one of the terms of this Bot license agreement, you will not get a license for the use of Bot. If you are not satisfied with part of a bot or Bot license agreement, your only recourse is to stop using a bot. Although Automation provides third-party bots to Anywhere through its bot store, it cannot and does not license you for these third-party robots. The owner of a messenger directly grants you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-transferable license for downloading and using a bot to which you have received correct access, provided that you keep all mentions of ownership or ownership intact and that you are subject to the terms of this Bot license agreement.