Primary Teachers Collective Agreement Pay Scale

(b) If they subsequently take over one or more permanent units, they shall receive an immediate increase in the base salary (unless they cap the G3 scale) and shall be entitled to further increases due from the anniversary of that date. (a) Teachers must rise to the appropriate basic scale indicated on the scale, provided that the employer certifies that the teacher has met the appropriate level of professional standards for secondary school teachers – quality teaching criteria annexed to this agreement. 4.24.5 The role is available to teachers who work in secondary education and who adhere to an accredited Kāhui Ako. 4.22.1 If the Secretary of Education approves the appointment of a teacher who is not a principal to the position of leader of Kāhui Ako, clause 3.7 (3) of the Collective Agreement for Secondary School Principals shall apply to the teacher, in addition to the relevant provisions of that agreement. A committee called the Issues Committee, composed of representatives of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand, the Department of Education, the New Zealand School Trustees Association and the Post Primary Teachers Association, will meet from time to time, at the request of one of these organisations, to consider and resolve any outstanding or emerging issues concerning teachers` salary qualifications. These may be either isolated cases or more general questions of qualification or learning. . . .